Feng Shui for the Home

Your home should nourish you and help you achieve your goals in life.
The purpose of a home should not merely be to shelter you, but also to nourish you and help you achieve your goals in life. For this to become a reality, the space in your home needs to answer your demand for positive energy and flow. Many people fail to create positive energy in their homes, and as a result often find that their homes actually serve to counteract their goals. A home of any type or size can become a trap of negative thinking, weakened creativity, and imbalance. At the same time, a home of any type or size can greatly benefit from the principles of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui home planning takes your own personal character into account and creates a layout pattern that will brighten and support your sense of comfort and well-being. It will allow you to realize the true purpose of the different aspects of your home. For example, Feng Shui can make a living or dining room more open and welcoming to guests, while bringing your own personal spaces, such as bedroom or bath, into closer alignment with your own personal needs. In this sense, Feng Shui can be said to amplify the many functions your home is expected to perform, and many of Master Yau's clients have reported that his Feng Shui solutions have allowed them to discover the true potential of their living space for the first time.
Feng Shui focuses to achieve:
- Prosperity
- Balance
- Harmony
- Well-Being
Feng Shui- Creating flow and energy is the greater task that demands expertise and insight.

Arranging furniture is merely a part of interior design, while actually creating flow and energy is a greater task that demands expertise and insight. Master Yau brings his decades of experience to clients from all walks of life to develop spatial solutions for well-being and success. Whether your home is a century old or still in the initial stages of planning, Feng Shui can help positive transformation take place.
New homes and renovation projects will draw benefit from Master Yau's experience in working with architects and builders in all stages of property construction and development, from site selection to floor plan design. Patterns tend to settle in a home and become fixed in time. The older a home- or the longer it has been lived in -the more likely its spatial concept needs to be re-thought. Feng Shui brings the spatial concept of an environment up to the present in a way that reflects the character of the individual or family.